6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Visualize yourself in the problem
above as you reread it. List the
facts and the question.

Facts: 90 animals
60% cows
Question:How many of the animals are cows?

Draw and label a diagram.
Look at the diagram.
Write a percent equation.
Let nrepresent the number of cows.

Number Percent All
of cows  of cows  animals
n  60%  90

Solve each problem. Write an equation to help you.
0 1. There are 90 animals on Henley’s farm. Of these animals,
60% are cows. How many of the animals are cows?

0 2. The school principal received 240 complimentary tickets to
a concert. She gave 5% of the tickets to Ms. DeSilva’s class.
How many tickets did Ms. DeSilva’s class receive?

0 3. The school received a delivery of 700 textbooks. Of these,
140 are math books. What percent of the delivery are math books?

0 4. There are 1250 students in the middle school. Of this number,
30% are in sixth grade. How many students are in sixth grade?

0 5. A swimming pool that costs $850 is on sale for $637.50.
What is the rate of discount on the pool?

0 6. Mr. Schultz sold 3 cars for the following amounts: $11,995,
$30,985, and $22,175. If his rate of commission on these
3 sales was 4%, what was his commission for all 3 cars?

0 7. Of the 750 children who went to the fair, 600 had yogurt.
What percent of the children did nothave yogurt?

0% 60%

0 n



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