6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Use These Strategies
Write an Equation
Use More Than One Step
Work Backward
Use a Graph

Key : Last Year
This Year

Number of Booths

Types of Booths

Food Clothing Games Other

Fair Booths

Choose a strategy from the list or use another strategy
you know to solve each problem.

  1. At one game booth, 10 players use air pumps
    to fill balloons. The first two players to pop
    their balloons win prizes. What percent of the
    players win prizes?

  2. The ring-toss booth gives giant stuffed
    animals as prizes. At the beginning of the day,
    the booth had 220 animals. So far, 75% of the
    animals have been won. Of the remaining
    stuffed animals, 15 are pandas. How many
    are not pandas?

  3. Of 48 spaces on a game wheel, 10 show
    a fish. A player who spins a fish wins a
    goldfish. Are the chances of winning
    a goldfish better than 25%?

  4. Glittering Prizes sells earrings. It sells 25% of its
    earrings by the end of the day. If it has 51 pairs
    left, how many pairs did it have to start with?

  5. A pair of earrings sells for $6.75. The local sales tax
    is 6.5%. Necklaces have a marked price of $8.50.
    What is the total price for a necklace?

  6. Wanda’s Wickerware sells 50% of its baskets
    before noon. It sells 80% of the remaining baskets
    before 5:00. At 5:00, it has 10 baskets left. How many
    baskets did the store have at the beginning of the day?

Use the bar graph for problems 17–20.

  1. What percent of this year’s booths sell clothing?

  2. Which type of booth increased by 100%
    between last year’s fair and this year’s fair?

  3. By how many did the number of booths
    increase this year?

  4. Last year, 60% of the game booths gave away
    stuffed animals. How many booths gave away
    stuffed animals last year?

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