6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Joan Benoit
1984 U.S. Olympic Marathon Gold Medalist
During the third mile
not the eighteenth as expected
she surged ahead
leaving behind the press
of bodies, the breath
hot on her back
and set a pace
the experts claimed
she couldn’t possibly keep
to the end.

Sure, determined,
moving to an inner rhythm
measuring herself against herself
alone in a field of fifty
she gained the twenty-six miles
of concrete, asphalt and humid weather
and burst into the roar of the crowd
to run the lap around the stadium
at the same pace
once to finish the race
and then again in victory

and she was still fresh
and not even out of breath
and standing.

Rina Ferrarelli

In this chapter you will:
Relate decimals and metric units
Rename and compute metric and
customary units
Investigate perimeter,
circumference, and area formulas
Compute surface area and volume
Rename and compute customary
units and time
Decompose figures to solve problems
Solve problems using drawings
and formulas

Critical Thinking/Finding Together
The 2003 Special Olympics World
Summer Games were held in Dublin,
Ireland. Research and report to the
class the results for three sports in
these Games. Discuss measurement
used for each sport.

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