6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Rename each unit of measure. Use the tables on page 454 to help you.

  1. 8 gal qt 3. 80 oz lb 4. 50 fl oz c

  2. 2 ^12 lb oz 6. 7 ^34 pt fl oz 7. 10 ^18 lb oz

  3. 8 c 2 fl oz fl oz 9. 16 lb 5 oz oz 10.15 T 920 lb lb

  4. 19 qt gal qt 12. 17 c pt c 13.1 lb 48 oz lb

Compare. Use ,, 5 , or ..

  1. 7 gal 29 qt 15. 4.5 T 10,000 lb 16.33 pt 16 qt 1 pt

  2. 10 c 6 pt 18. 7 pt 5 c 19 c 19. 6 ^12 lb 103 oz

  3. 5 gal 5 qt 20 qt 21. 54 oz 3 lb 7 oz 22.7 pt 5 c 19 c

  4. How much more than a gallon 24. How much less than a pound is
    is 7 quarts? 13 ounces?

  5. At $.49 a pint, what is the cost 26. At $.59 a quart, what is the cost of
    of 24 qt of milk? 3 gal of syrup?

  6. Which weighs more: a 12-oz jar 28. How many pint containers can be
    of fruit jelly or a 
    4 -lb jar of jam? filled from 24 gal of juice?

  7. Conduct an experiment to find out how much liquid
    you drink in a week (5 days). Follow these steps:

    • Estimate the number of cups of liquid you drink in one week.

    • As closely as you can, each day record to the nearest whole

    • number of cups of liquid that you drink.

    • Find the total for the week and compare it with your estimate.

    • Discuss your results with the class. Then work together

    • to find (a) the number of fluid ounces and (b) the number

    • of gallons for your class.








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