6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Find the surface area of each cube.

  1. e15 in. 6. e8 m 7. e2.1 cm 8. e 1 .
    3 yd
    Find the surface area of each rectangular prism.

      1. 9 ft 12. 5 m
        w 2 .
        3 ft w1.4 m
        h 1 .
        2 ft h5.9 m

Surface Area of a Cylinder
Find the surface area of a
cylinder with a base that
has a radius of 2 in. and a
height of 4 in.

Surface Area (2 area of circular base) (area of rectangular surface)
(2 r^2 ) (2rh)
S 2 3.14 (2 in.)^2  2 3.14 2 in. 4 in.
25.12 in.^2 50.24 in.^2
75.36 in.^2

The surface area of the cylinder is 75.36 in.^2.

Find the surface area of each cylinder. Use 3.14 for p.

Surface Area of a Cylinder
S 2 r^2  2 rh

  1. Ed will paint the walls and ceiling 18. Cans made by a local canning company
    of a room that is 14 ft wide by are 6.4 cm in diameter and 12.5 cm
    15 ft long by 8 ft high. What is the high. How much aluminum is needed
    surface area of the room? to make 100 cans?

2 m
6 m 4 m 4 in.

3 in.

6 in.

4 cm
0.6 m

5 ft
1.2 yd

h  4 in. 4 in.

2 in.

r  2 in.


2 in.

  C  2 r

7 in.

4 in. 7 cm

9 cm

8 yd

13 yd 10.3 m 6.6 m

height of prism
width of rectangle

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