6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
In this chapter you will:
Solve two-step equations and
graph transformations
Learn about functions and
algebraic patterns
Solve problems using more
than one method

Critical Thinking/Finding Together
Research the use of the cowrie as
money in Africa and elsewhere.
Jamal owed Bob $27. From the
$28 he earned from a part-time job,
Jamal bought a $9 book and gave
the rest to Bob toward his debt.
If one cowrie $.95, about how
many cowries is his debt now?

Praise Song for a Drummer
The drum drums health,
The drum drums wealth,
He takes his wife six hundred thousand cowries.
The drum drums health,
The drum drums wealth,
He takes his son six hundred thousand cowries.
The drum drums health,
The drum drums wealth,

Mary Smith, translator

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