6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
To find how many centimeters long, write an equation ormake a graph.
Let xrepresent the number of inches and yrepresent the
number of centimeters.
Notice that each y-value is 2.54 times the corresponding
x-value. So the equation y2.54x can be used to find the
length in centimeters for any length in inches.

Yo u can also use a graph to find the
y-value when the x-value is 5.
Graph the data in the table.
Then connect the points.
Extend the line as needed.
Then use the graph to find
the value of y when x5.
When x5, y 13.
Michael’s puppy was no more
than 13 cm long.

Visualize yourself in the problem as you reread it.
List the facts and the question.

Facts: Puppy is no more than 5 inches long at birth.
Question:How many centimeters long was the puppy?

Michael’s puppy was no more than 5 inches long at birth.
Michael knows that 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters.
How many centimeters long was the puppy?

Problem-Solving Strategy:

Use More Than One Strategy


For 5 inches of length, x5. Then y2.54• 5 12.7.
So 5 inches 12.7 centimeters.
Michael’s puppy was no more
than 12.7 cm long. ( )

number of inches, x 1 2 3 4
number of centimeters, y 2.54 5.0 8 7.62 10.16

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