6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Practice 9-1

Practice 9-2


Use the double line graph for problems 1–3.
1.Find the
at the summit
at 7 A.M.
2.Estimate the
difference in
at 9 A.M.
3.Between what
hours did the temperatures change least?
Use the given data
for problems 4–6.
4.Organize the data
in a frequency table.
5.Use the data to make:
a. a line plot
b.a stem-and-leaf plot

0 6. Find the mode, range, and median of the data
in problem 4.

0 7. In 5 games, Jan scored 15, 18, 20, 12, and 20
points. What is her mean score?

0 8. Ali’s scores on her first four math tests were
98, 84, 88, and 92. What score must she make
on the fifth test to have the mean of the five
tests equal 90?

0 9. The table shows
how many
people saw the
circus. Make a
double bar
graph to display
the data.

10.High temperature readings during one 5-day
period were 72, 63, 70, 68, and 77 degrees
Fahrenheit. Give the range, median, mean,
and mode for this set of data.

Use the given data for ex. 9–11.
9.What are the extremes of the data?

10.What is the median of the data? the upper and
lower quartiles?

11.Make a box-and-whisker plot for this data.

12.Make a frequency table and a histogram for
this data.

40 ° F

50 ° F

60 ° F

70 ° F

80 ° F

7 AM 9 AM11 AM1 PM3 PM




Base Camp

Ages of Guests
at a Party
19 48 67 11 45
29 11 44 11 36
28 12 10 39 11
35 12 18 40 11

Days Matinee Evening
Sun. 350 450
Mon. 100 150
Tue. 125 250
Wed. 300 350

Write whether you would be most likely to find a
biased sample for the survey at each location.
Write Yesor No. Explain.

  1. Favorite music: concert hall

  2. Favorite food: Chinese restaurant

  3. Favorite TV show: shopping mall

  4. Favorite sport: park
    Use the circle graph for problems 5–8.

  5. Which sport is
    most popular?

  6. What fractional part
    of the members prefer
    soccer or softball?

  7. There are 96
    members in the
    Sports Club. How many prefer softball?

  8. Of the 96 members, which sport is preferred by
    exactly 12 members?




Sports Club Membership
Softball Tennis

Volleyball Soccer

Student Math Grades
75 80 90 79 82
93 79 88 95 88

Number of Pets per Class in
Parker Elementary
735 10 12
4 68613
9 4735
11 8 5 9 10

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