6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Practice 12-1

Practice 12-2

Compute mentally.
1a.10% of 90 b.50% of 60

2a. 33 ^13 % of 75 b.75% of 16

Compare. Use or .
3.27% of 50 20% of 50

4.60% of 80 60% of 160

Find the percentage of the number.
5a.45% of $900 b.8% of $125

Find the percent or rate.
6.What percent of 40 is 16?

7.57.6 is what percent of 96?



8.Pam’s soccer team won 15 out of 24 games.
What percent of the games did Pam’s
team win?

1 9.Mel’s Market sells oranges two ways: 5 for
$.95 or 25¢ each. Which is the better buy?

10.In the football game, 62.5% of 24 passes were
completed. How many passes were completed?

11.There are 360 members of the health club.

  1. 66 ^23 % are adults; the rest are students.
    11.How many health club members are adults?

12.Of the 48 new library books, 12 are
paperbacks. What percent are paperbacks?

13.The price of a personal stereo is 120% of last
year’s price of $35. Find the current price.

Compute the discount and sale price.
1a.basketball: $36 b.ice skates: $120
1a.rate of discount: 20%b.rate of discount: 35%

2a.swimsuit: $40 b.skateboard: $99
1a.rate of discount: 25%b.rate of discount: 33^13 %

Find the sales tax and total cost.
3a.hat: $15 b.belt: $9.50
1a.sales tax: 6% b.sales tax: 5%

4a.car: $12,500 b.motorcycle: $4,800
1a.sales tax: 5^14 % b.sales tax: 4^12 %

5.Maureen earns a 4% commission on computer
sales. Find her earnings on sales of $2600.

6.At a rate of commission of 6^12 %, how much
does Jack earn on sales of $8000?

7.A $480 DVD player is on sale at 25% off. The
sales tax is 3%. Find the total cost of the

1 8.A furniture store salesperson earns a monthly
salary of $750 plus 5% commission on sales.
How much does he earn in July if he sells
$37,500 worth of furniture?

1 9.A telephone answering machine was reduced
in price from $120 to $96. Find the rate of

10.Draw a circle graph to show the cost of
keeping a pet dog for one year.
food $125 license $25
vet visits $75 dog toys $25
boarding $50

11.Which is the better buy: a $60 watch at ^13 off or
the same watch for $70 at 40% off?

12.The sales tax on a $48 item is $6. What
percent is the sales tax?

13.Mr. Ali sold four used cars last week for $1400,
$2140, $3300, and $1680. If his rate of
commission was 5%, how much commission
did he make on last week’s sales?

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