6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1




  1. Ted can swim the width of the pool in 15.24 s,
    while it takes Tom triple this time. How much
    less time does it take Ted?

  2. Dana earned $6.78 on Monday. Each day
    after, she earned a dime more. How much
    did she earn in 5 days?

  3. How many even integers are between 
    30 and 30?

  4. Mr. Wilson used 5.8 gallons of gasoline to go
    92.8 miles. How far did he go on 1 gallon of

  5. Earl earns $25.92 a week selling newspapers.
    How many weeks will it take him to earn

0 1a. 8 0.70.53 b.
0 2a.6.721.8 b.7.8560.4
0 3a.2.0617.04 b.1.2 0 .0 6  7  2 
0 4a.0.4(3.21.7) b.0.250.005 50
Order from least to greatest.
0 5. 627, 6.01  103 ,5.2 102
0 6. 3.9 104 , 4.1  104 , 39,500
Evaluate each expression when a6,b1.2.
0 7. 2 ab 8.aba
0 9. a 2 b 10.aab7.14
Writeorto make each sentence true.
11a. 11  15  1  3
10 b. 1  3  7  11

  1. Zach’s boat can travel 1 mile in 3.2 min. How
    many hours will it take to go 67.5 mi?

  2. Ms. Sims gave out cans of juice. The 16
    5th graders each got 1. She got 5 more cans
    and gave 15 to the 6th graders. After 3 girls
    returned theirs, she had 4 cans left. How
    many cans did Ms. Sims have originally?

  3. A theater used 48 lb of popcorn on Thursday.

  4. On each of the next 3 days, it used 1^14 the

  5. amount used the day before. How much was
    used on Sunday?

  6. Use 3 of these fractions: ^12 ,^13 ,^14 , and ^34 , to
    make a true number sentence.

  7. What mixed numbers complete this pattern?
    2 ^34 , 4^18 , 3^58 , 5, 4^12 ,,??


Compare. Write ,, or .
0 1a. 22  542 b. 32 • 22 2 • 33
0 2a.^23 ^45  1 ^14  b. 11  8 ^23  3 ^34  2 ^38 
0 3a.^23  0.6 b.1.55 ^183 
0 4. The sum of ^18 and 130 is close to.
0 5. The sum of ^79 and 145 is close to.
What numbers between 20 and 28 have:
0 6. exactly 2 factors? 7. exactly 4 factors?
0 8. Take 0.172 from 2.
0 9. What is 243.75 more than 51.9?

  1. From 5280 take 79.32.

  2. What is 316.001 more than 43.239?






  1. From the sum of 3^12 and 0.75, subtract the
    sum of 3.25 and  230 .

  2. Lynn bought 2 hams for a party. One ham
    weighed 10^18 lb; the other 12^14 lb. They ate
    19 ^13 lb of ham. How many pounds are left?

  3. Jan thought of a mixed number. She doubled
    it and subtracted 1^34 . The result was 2^1112 .
    What was her original mixed number?

  4. Of the 220 students who ate lunch, 145 ate
    salad, and 200 ate pizza. How many students
    ate both?

  5. Jo, Tammy, and Drew run for president, vice
    president, and secretary. How many different
    ways might they be elected?

Compare. Write ,, or .
1a.0.1 3  0.1 b.^59  0.5
2a.^34 ^45  1.55 b.4.53.8 ^79 
3a.2.0 1  2  1100  b.^12 of 8 10  2
Find the value of n.
0 4a. 2 ^16 n 1 b. 8 (^34 ^18 )n
0 5a.^78 of $5.12 n b.^34 ofn 15
Complete. Write or.
0 6. ^45 ^13 ^14 ^1630  7. 6 ^23 ^12  5 ^56 

  1.  87 ?^15 ?  230 ^3430 







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