6th Grade Math Textbook, Progress

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Choose the letter corresponding to the correct answer.

  1. Which is 5.035 written 23. What is (4 0.01) (9 0.0001)
    in expanded form? in standard form?
    A 5  0  3  5 F 0.0409
    B (5 1) (3 0.1) (5 0.01) G 0.4009
    C (5 1) (3 0.1) (5 0.001) H 0.490
    D (5 1) (3 0.01) (5 0.001) J 4.0009

Complete each expanded form.

  1. 38,500,000,700,000 (3  ) (8  ) (5  ) (7  )

  2. 4.0008 ( 1) ( 0.0001) 3. 0.000009 ( 0.000001)

Write each expanded form in two ways.

  1. 5,042,102 5. 201,407,090,000 6. 15,000,087,000

  2. 0.045678 8. 3.050904 9. 78.5009

Write each expanded form in standard form.

  1. (9 10,000,000,000,000) (3 100,000) (4 100)

  2. (4 1,000,000,000,000) (5 10,000) (2 1000) (9 1)

  3. 4 0.1 0.07 0.000009 13. 20 0.008 0.0001 0.00005

Write each number in standard form and in expanded form.

  1. 95 trillion, 700 million 15. 8 trillion, twelve million, five

  2. 13 billion, 7 hundred 17. 14 hundred thousandths

  3. 80 and 13 ten thousandths 19. 907 millionths

Solve each problem.

  1. In 2005, the population of the 21. In 2005, the population of the world
    United States was approximately was approximately six billion, four
    294,000,000. How is this number hundred forty million. How is this
    written in expanded form? number written in standard form?



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