Barrons AP Calculus

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1





Directions: Answer  Questions   1–35    without using   your    calculator.

These questions are intended for additional practice. They have 5 answer
choices as opposed to the 4 answer choices you will see on the practice
tests and the actual AP exam.

If  f(x)    =   x^3     −   2x  −   1,  then    f(−2)   =
The domain of is
all x ≠ 1
all x ≠ 1, −1
all x ≠ −1
x 1
all reals

The domain  of      is
all x ≠ 0, 1
x 2, x ≠ 0, 1
x 2
x 2
x > 2

If  f(x)    =   x^3     −   3x^2    −   2x  +   5   and g(x)    =   2,  then    g   (f(x))  =
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