Barrons AP Calculus

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1





Determine whether limits of f, if any, exist at

(a) x   =   −2, (b) x   =   0,
(c) x = 2, (d) x = 4.

Figure  N2–2


,   so  the right-hand  limit   exists  at  x   =   −2, even    though  f   is  not
defined at x = −2.
does not exist. Although f is defined at x = 0 (f (0) = 2), we observe
that whereas . For the limit to exist at a point, the left-
hand and right-hand limits must be the same.

. This limit exists because . Indeed, the limit
exists at x = 2 even though it is different from the value of f at 2 (f (2) = 0).
, so the left-hand limit exists at x = 4.

Example 3 __
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