SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Unit 7 Exercise Sets II and III Answer Key

Exercise Set II

  1. EPI-: over
    ephemeral, epitaph, epicenter,
    epidemic, epidermis, epilepsy,

  2. AD-: to, towards
    add, annex, adduct,
    adjure, adhere

  3. SCRIBERE: to write
    inscribe, circumscribe,
    conscription, description,
    inscription, subscription

  4. COPIA: abundance
    cornucopia, copious, copy

  5. LUNA: moon
    lunacy, lunar, lunatic, lunate

  6. ASTRUM: star
    astral, astronomy, astrology,
    disaster, astronaut

  7. PLERE: to fill
    accomplish, complement,
    deplete, manipulate, replete,

  8. SOLUS: alone
    sole, soliloquy, solitaire,
    solitary, solitude, solo

  9. GENEA: descent
    generation, genealogy,

  10. POST-: after
    posterior, posterity, post-
    humous, postpone, postscript

  11. ARKHAIOS: ancient
    archaic, archaeology, archives

  12. DEMOS: people
    demographics, democracy,
    epidemic, pandemic

  13. VERT: to turn
    diverge, divert, revert, pervert,

  14. LOGOS: study of
    psychology, anthropology,
    oncology, geology

  15. CLAUDERE: to close
    claustrophobia, conclude,
    exclude, recluse, seclude

Exercise Set III

  1. N

  2. N

  3. Y

  4. N

  5. N

  6. malady

  7. anthropology

  8. ostracize

  9. astral

  10. genealogy

  11. cosmic

  12. copious

  13. recluse

  14. despondent

  15. amass

  16. arable

  17. epilogue

  18. meager

  19. inundate

  20. fallow

  21. saturate

  22. demographics

  23. encore

  24. surfeit

  25. anguish

  26. anemic

  27. sociologist

  28. cession

  29. solitary

  30. proliferation

  31. celestial

  32. distend

  33. elegy

  34. epitaph

  35. entomology

  36. paucity

  37. diminutive

  38. exile

  39. eulogy

  40. propagate

  41. augment

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