SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  1. B The first paragraph describes the “right... to
    knowledge,” while the second describes what kind
    of knowledge the citizens should acquire.

  2. AThe passage does not advocate taking up arms
    or running for office. It does, however, say that cit-
    izens should “become attentive to the grounds and
    principles of government, ecclesiastical (church-
    related), and civil” (lines 39–41) and reflect on
    their forefathers’ “amazing fortitude [and] bitter
    sufferings” (lines 58–59).

However, lines 69–71 say that it was “the hope
of liberty... which conquered all the
discouragements... .”

  1. C The “power” is described as that “which drove
    them from their homes.” So it is a despotic agent.

  2. A Most sentences begin with “Let us... ,” which
    indicates that he is strongly suggesting what his
    fellow citizens should do. He is prescribingaction.

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