SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Lesson 3: Structural Keys

The Structural Key Words
Structural key words are the words or phrases that show the logical relationship between the statements in the
sentence. Certain logical relationships require key words: for instance, it’s almost impossible to say that one
thingcausedanother thing without using a word like because, therefore, thus, in order to,orconsequently.


As you read the sentences, underline or circle any structural key words you see. Completing the sentence
logically requires you to think about these key words first.

Here is a partial list of some structural key words:

Contrast but however in contrast nevertheless
whereas although instead of rather
despite unusual unexpected surprising
abnormal anomalous curious illogical
Cause and Effect because thus consequently therefore
so that in order to if... then since
Support furthermore likewise moreover also
besides additionally similarly like
for instance that is for example

Semicolons and Colons
Some punctuation marks can also help you determine the logical relation between parts of a sentence. Semicolons
and colons, for instance, indicate a “supporting” relationship between statements. A semicolon (;) between two state-
ments indicates that the second statement extendsordevelopsthe previous statement. A colon (:) between two state-
ments indicates that the second statement explainsthe previous one.

The string arrangements by Rob Mathes are unobtrusive yet ------; the violins rise ------, but soon they
reach deeply into the piece and transform it into a lyrically rich and moving experience.
(A) carefree.. stiffly (B) reserved.. involuntarily (C) profound.. subtly
(D) detached.. carefully (E) hesitant.. methodically

The semicolon indicates that the second statement develops the first, repeating the same general idea but with more
detail. The two clauses are parallel, that is, they have similar grammatical structures. The first says: These are A yet B;
they do C but then D.The structure indicates that A and C go together, and B and D go together. If the arrangements
areunobtrusivethen they rise subtly,and if they reach deeply into the piece and transform it,they must be profound.

Newton inferred that the law of gravity was ------: even the gravitational pull of an ant on Earth will ------
a star millions of light-years away.
(A) universal.. influence (B) inconsequential.. accelerate (C) intense.. support
(D) minute.. affect (E) complete.. replace
The colon after the first statement indicates that the second statement explains the first, in this case by giving an ex-
ample. To understand the sentence as a whole, it’s probably best to try to understand the second statement first and
then ask: “What general idea does that example explain?” The second part says that the gravitational pull of an ant
will ------ a starfar away. Well, a scientist like Isaac Newton wouldn’t be so silly as to say that an ant’s gravity could
supportorreplacea star, so it must influence, accelerate,oraffectit. If this is true, then even small gravitational effects
must travel a long, long, long, long way. This is the important point of the example, so Newton’s theory must have
been that gravity is universal.
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