SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  1. If neither anor bis 0, what is the relationship between a÷band b÷a?

  2. What is the relationship between a−band b−a?

Complete the following “parity rules.”

  1. Odd ×even = 4. Even ×even = 5. Odd ×odd =_____

  2. Even +even = 7. Odd +even = 8. Odd +odd =_____

Complete the following “sign rules.”

  1. If nis odd, (−1)n=. 10. If nis even, (−1)n=. 11. If x+y=0 and x≠0, then x/y=_____.

  2. Dividing by xis the same as multiplying by __.

  3. Subtracting (x+1) is the same as adding __.

  4. When a number is multiplied by its reciprocal, the result is __.

  5. When a number and its opposite are added, the result is __.

  6. When a number (other than 0) is divided by its opposite, the result is __.

  7. If a positive number is multiplied by a number greater than 1, what happens to it? ___

  8. If a positive number is multiplied by a number between 0 and 1, what happens to it? ___

  9. If a negative number is multiplied by a number greater than 1, what happens to it? ___

  10. Is xalways bigger than −x? Explain.

  11. Is x^2 always bigger than x? Explain.

  12. Is x^3 always bigger than x^2? Explain.

  13. If xis between 0 and 1, then 1/xis _____.

  14. If a> b> 0, then is ____.

  15. If b> a> 0, then is ____.


Concept Review 3:

Numerical Reasoning Problems

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