SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  1. What is the definition of volume?

  2. Write the formula for the volume of a rectangular box.

  3. Write the 3-D distance formula.

  4. Graph the points A(−2, 3, 1) and B(2, 1, −2) on an x-y-zgraph.

  5. What is the distance from point Ato point Bin the figure above?

  6. The two containers with rectangular sides in the figure above have the interior dimensions shown. Both con-
    tainers rest on a flat, horizontal surface. Container A is filled completely with water, and then this water is
    poured, without spilling, into Container B. When all of the liquid is poured from Container A into Container
    B, what is the depth of the water in Container B?

Concept Review 7: Volumes and 3-D Geometry

12 inches

8 inches

8 inches

Container A Container B

4 inches

6 inches

10 inches
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