SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Answer Key 4:

Attacking “Improving Paragraphs” Questions

  1. A Sentence 3 indicates that John could have added to the family fortune. Sentence 4 indicates that he did
    not, but rather used the money for philanthropic purposes. This contrast of ideas should be accompa-
    nied by a contrasting transition, as provided by the word however.

  2. C Because sentence 4 introduces John’s “discovery of philanthropy,” and because sentence 5 explains why
    it “could hardly have come at a better time,” the sentence belongs most logically between sentence 4
    and sentence 5.

  3. B The original sentence is unclear because the word thisdoes not have a clear antecedent; that is, it is
    unclear what thisrefers to. A reader could probably figure out that it refers to the problem with the
    Rockefeller reputation, discussed in the previous sentence, but sentence 5 does not actually contain
    the words the problem with the Rockefeller reputation,so the reference is unclear. Choice (B) is the only
    sentence that clarifies that reference.

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