SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


6 6 666 6

  1. Which of the following is the best way to com-
    bine sentences 3, 4, and 5?
    (A) The name of the phenomenon comes
    from the legend of Archimedes, who had
    been thinking for days about how to
    determine whether King Hieron II’s crown
    was pure gold without destroying it.
    (B) Archimedes had been thinking for days
    about how to determine whether King
    Hieron II’s crown was pure gold without
    destroying it, and this is where the name
    of the phenomenon comes from.
    (C) The legend of Archimedes thinking
    about how to determine whether King
    Hieron II’s crown was pure gold without
    destroying it is the origin of the name of
    the phenomenon.
    (D) The phenomenon is named for
    Archimedes and his thinking for days
    about how to determine whether King
    Hieron II’s crown was pure gold without
    destroying it.
    (E) The name of the phenomenon was from
    Archimedes, and his thinking for days
    about how to determine without destroy-
    ing it whether King Hieron II’s crown
    was pure gold.

  2. Which of the following revisions of sentence 7
    most clearly and logically introduces the sec-
    ond paragraph?
    (A) This historical episode is something that
    all students should learn about in school.
    (B) Understanding this phenomenon may
    help students to improve their studies.
    (C) Nevertheless, this episode is something
    that all students should know.
    (D) Understanding this episode requires a
    more thorough understanding of its
    historical setting.
    (E) Many have tried to understand this
    phenomenon, but few have succeeded.
    33. Which of the following is the best revision of
    the underlined portion of sentence 8 (repro-
    duced below)?
    You have probably had the experience of think-
    ing about a paper or a math problem for so long
    that it’s like one’s brain gets frozen.
    (A) it seems that your brain gets frozen
    (B) one’s brain gets frozen
    (C) your brain seems to freeze
    (D) your brains seem to freeze
    (E) one’s brain seems to freeze
    34. Where is the best place to insert the following
    Perhaps if students could work such little excur-
    sions into their busy study schedules, they
    would have similar “eureka” experiences.
    (A) after sentence 7
    (B) after sentence 8
    (C) after sentence 9
    (D) after sentence 10
    (E) after sentence 11 (as the last sentence of
    the second paragraph)
    35. In context, which of the following revisions of
    the underlined portion of sentence 12 (repro-
    duced below) is most effective at making it
    clearer and more specific?
    Unfortunately, many students today don’t have
    time for that.
    (A) today have hardly even 1 hour for such
    (B) today, unlike those in Archimedes’ time,
    don’t have time to go to the movies
    (C) today don’t have time for such excursions
    (D) of modern times lack sufficient time for
    the kinds of things explained above
    (E) today lack sufficient time for things like this


If you finish before time is called, you may
check your work on this section only. Do not
turn to any other section of the test.
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