SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


16.D Choice II is confirmed in lines 32–34: The prin-
ciple of the barometer was discovered by Galileo’s pupil
(student) Torricelli.Choice III is confirmed in lines
41–42: Galileo discovered the moons around Jupiter.

17.E The final paragraph states that Renaissance
scientists believed that everything consists of bodies in
motion, that everything conforms to a mechanical
model. The heavens above and the smallest particles
below all exhibit the same laws of motion—even, as it
says in the next sentence, human thought(lines 67–71).

18.C The final paragraph discusses how the scien-
tific method changed the way science was done.

19.B The passage mentions in lines 22–24 that
many military leaders cement their solidarity by revel-
ing(taking delight) in their numerical disadvantage.
They considered it more honorable to fight with fewer
men and beat a larger opponent.

20.C Stating that a well-known proverbwas trotted
outin many instances of the glorious, fighting few
(lines 25–27), in this context, is like saying that the
proverb was used for rhetorical effectbecause it was
used to persuade and inspire the troops.

21.D When the prince says that we be a small body
when compared to the army of our enemies,he is say-
ing that they are a small army or group of men.

22.D This sentence is discussing the tactical errors
of the French in two different battles. The phrase
charging before they were readysimply means attack-
ing before they were ready.

23.E All three of these facts are true and are men-
tioned in the passage.

24.A The passage states in the final paragraph that
ten thousand more men might actually have hindered the
English(lines 59–60) and that it seems that in fact...
strength is not always proportional to size(lines 62–64).

Section 3

1.E Since nis equal to 3 times an even number,
you can eliminate any answer choice that is not a mul-
tiple of 3 (A, C, and D). Answer choice (B): 15 = 3 ×5;
5 is an odd number, so this answer choice is out. An-
swer choice (E): 18 = 3 ×6; 6 is an even number.
(Chapter 9, Lesson 3: Numerical Reasoning Problems)

2.A Set up a ratio:

Cross-multiply: 350 = 2 x
Divide by 2: 175 =x
(Chapter 7, Lesson 4: Ratios and Proportions)

3.C Angles that form a straight angle have a sum
of 180°:
x+ 2 x= 180 °
Combine like terms: 3 x= 180 °
Divide by 3: x= 60 °
(Chapter 10, Lesson 1: Lines and Angles)

4.C Find the smallest number that is divisible by
both 15 and 6 and see which answer choice works.
Multiples of 15: 15, 30 , 45,...
Multiples of 6: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 ,...
(Chapter 7, Lesson 7: Divisibility)

5.D n% of 20 is 4

Simplify: .20n= 4
Divide by .20: n= 20
(Chapter 7, Lesson 5: Percents)

6.A f(x) = 3 x+n
Plug in 2 for x: f(2) =3(2) +n= 0
Simplify: 6 +n= 0
Subtract 6: n=− 6
Substitute for n: f(x)= 3 x− 6
Plug in 0 for x: f(0) =3(0) − 6 =− 6
(Chapter 11, Lesson 2: Functions)

7.D First find the area of the right triangle:

Area =^1 ⁄ 2 (base)(height)
Area =^1 ⁄ 2 (8)(6) = 24

Next, set up an equation for the area of a square.
Area =(side)^2
Substitute 24 for area: 24 =(side)^2
Take the square root:
Simplify the radical:
(Chapter 10, Lesson 5: Areas and Perimeters)

26 =side

24 = side


×=20 4

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