SAT Mc Graw Hill 2011

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


13.E Any statement of the form “If A is true, then B
is true”is logically equivalent to “If B isnot true, then
A isnot true.”Try this with some common-sense
examples of such statements. For instance, saying “If
I am under 16 years old, then I am not allowed to drive”
is the same as saying “If I am allowed to drive, then I
must not be under 16 years old.”The statement in (E)
is logically equivalent to the original.

(Chapter 6, Lesson 7: Thinking Logically)

14.E If each bus contained only the minimum
number of students, the buses would accommodate
6 × 30 =180 students. But since you have 200 students
to accommodate, you have 20 more students to place.
To maximize the number of 40-student buses, place
10 more students in two of the buses. Therefore, a
maximum of two buses can have 40 students.

(Chapter 9, Lesson 3: Numerical Reasoning Problems)

15.D The volume of a cylinder is equal to πr^2 h.Let’s
say that the radius of cylinder A is aand the radius of
cylinder B is b.Since the height of cylinder Bis twice
the height of cylinder A,if the height of cylinder A is
h,then the height of cylinder B is 2h.The volume of
A is twice that of B: πa^2 h= 2 πb^2 (2h)
Simplify: πa^2 h= 4 πb^2 h
Divide by π: a^2 h= 4 b^2 h
Divide by h: a^2 = 4 b^2
Take the square root of both sides: a= 2 b
Divide by b:

(Chapter 10, Lesson 7: Volumes and 3-D Geometry)

16.C The key is to find a pattern among the many
possible solutions. Pick some values for xto see if you
can see a pattern. For instance, if x=3, then the gar-
den looks like this:

In this case w=8. But if x=4, the garden looks like this:





And here, w=12. You might notice that the value of
whas increased by 4. Does this pattern continue?
Let’s try x=5 to check:

Sure enough, w=16, and it seems that the pattern
continues and wis always a multiple of 4. Only choice
(C), 40, is a multiple of 4, so that must be the correct
(Chapter 6, Lesson 3: Finding Patterns)

Section 8

1.B A reputablescientist is well known and well
respected. Saying the evidence is -------at bestindicates
that there is not much evidence at all. It must be
flimsy.Reputable scientists would not likely admitthat
a phenomenon exists if the evidence is weak. meager=
scanty, deficient; regret=feel bad about an action,
wish it hadn’t happened; paltry=lacking worth

2.D The concept that the Earth is round is now ac-
cepted as an inarguable truth.It can be inferred that it
was at some point a fact that was thought to be wrong.
incontrovertible=cannot be questioned; mellifluous=
smooth flowing; dubious=doubtful

3.B A profound break of a political party or religion
into factions is a schism.(The Latin word schisma=
split.) unanimity=full agreement; schism=division
into factions; caucus=meeting of party members;
commemoration=event that honors something or
someone; prognostication=prediction

4.C As the father of the American public school
system, Horace Mann would pressureor pushthe
Massachusetts legislature to institute a system for en-
suringor guaranteeinguniversal access to eduction.
petitioned=requested, lobbied for; vouchsafing=con-
ceding, granting

5.A Since the light from most stars takes millions
of years to reach us, it is plausible to imagine that by
the time we see the light the star might actually no
longer be there. This would make the present exis-
tence of these stars questionable. debatable= dis-
putable; methodical=systematic; indecorous=not
proper; imperious=acting as if one is superior to an-
other; profuse=abundant
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