5 Steps to a 5 AP Psychology 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
306   ❯  STEP 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence

  1. Jared thinks that going to psychology lecture
    classes is a waste of time and that you can do just
    as well in the course if you just read the review
    book, watch “Discovering Psychology,” and take
    the tests. He decides to test his hypothesis with
    an experiment. The independent variable in his
    experiment is

(A) going to lecture classes
(B) going to lecture classes, reading the review
book, and watching “Discovering Psychology”
(C) not going to lecture classes, reading the
review book, and watching “Discovering
(D) just taking tests
(E) doing as well on tests without going to class
as with going to class

  1. In class, John’s teacher tells him that she will
    give him the coin and bill for each picture he
    can correctly identify on the face of the penny,
    nickel, dime, quarter, half-dollar, dollar bill,
    and five-dollar bill. John cannot identify any of
    them although he has been handling money for
    17 years. His inability to remember the pictures
    most likely results from

(A) confabulation
(B) failure to reconstruct
(C) failure to encode
(D) deep processing
(E) repression

  1. Stranded in a deserted area after a boating acci-
    dent, Harry was able to survive by eating leaves
    and insects, and drinking water he boiled in a
    fire he made. According to Gardner’s Theory of
    Multiple Intelligences, Harry displayed a high
    level of which of the following intelligences?

(A) naturalistic
(B) interpersonal
(C) verbal-linguistic
(D) mathematical
(E) g

  1. Menarche occurs at about age

(A) 12 in males only
(B) 12 in females only
(C) 12 in both sexes
(D) 12 in females and 14 in males
(E) 50 in females only

  1. Amy’s therapist shakes her head affirmatively
    and says, “Yes, uh huh,” as Amy talks about her
    problems. Which of the following treatments
    did she experience?

(A) psychoanalysis
(B) behavior therapy
(C) humanistic therapy
(D) cognitive therapy
(E) existential therapy

  1. Lucille suffered a stroke last week and cannot
    recognize her children or grandchildren by look-
    ing at them. Of the following structures, her
    brain lesion is most likely in the

(A) cerebellum
(B) hypothalamus
(C) amygdala
(D) left cerebral cortex
(E) right cerebral cortex

  1. According to the Gestalt organizing principles
    of perception, when you look at, “i n car n a t
    e,” you tend to notice the word car rather than
    in, nate, at, or ate, because of

(A) continuity
(B) the phi phenomenon
(C) similarity
(D) figure-ground
(E) proximity

  1. Which of the following is a secondary reinforcer?

(A) food
(B) water
(C) money
(D) sex
(E) token economy

  1. An action potential involves the movement of

(A) glucose into the axon
(B) fats out of the axon terminal
(C) molecules in the synaptic gap
(D) sodium ions into the axon
(E) fluoride ions out of the axon

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