5 Steps to a 5 AP Psychology 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
310   ❯  STEP 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence

  1. According to social learning theory, gender iden-
    tity results primarily from

(A) chromosomal differences in the sex chromo-
somes and hormones secreted during prena-
tal development
(B) resolution of the Oedipal complex resulting
in identification with the same-sex parent
(C) observation and imitation of significant role
(D) consistent reinforcement of gender-
appropriate behaviors and punishment of
gender-inappropriate behaviors
(E) labeling of a child as a boy or a girl

  1. According to David Napolitan and George
    Goethals, fundamental attribution error is most
    likely to occur when explaining
    (*NOTE: This question has only 4 choices.)

(A) bad behavior by a person we know
(B) good behavior by a person we know
(C) bad behavior by a person we never met
(D) good behavior by a person we never met

  1. The position on the basilar membrane at which
    waves reach their peak depends on the frequency
    of a tone, according to which theory?

(A) opponent-process
(B) trichromatic
(C) place
(D) volley
(E) frequency

  1. Lev Vygotsky’s approach to the study of cogni-
    tive development was

(A) psychodynamic
(B) behavioral
(C) biological
(D) sociocultural
(E) evolutionary

  1. The left cerebral hemisphere is specialized for
    which of the following functions?

(A) verbal, mathematical, and recognizing emo-
tional expressions
(B) mathematical, spatial, and musical
(C) verbal, analytic, and mathematical
(D) mathematical, spatial, and analytic
(E) spatial, musical, and identifying faces

  1. The contingency model explains classical condi-
    tioning from which of the following perspectives?

(A) behavioral
(B) psychoanalytic
(C) cognitive
(D) humanistic
(E) biomedical

  1. All people have essentially the same set of traits,
    differing only in terms of the extent to which
    they show each trait, according to which of the
    following personality theories?

(A) nomothetic
(B) idiographic
(C) Freudian
(D) somatotype
(E) biological

  1. After Tamika complained to her mother about
    how little she has, Tamika and her mother went
    to a soup kitchen to volunteer to serve dinner to
    the homeless. After serving 120 dinners, Tamika
    told her mother how happy she is that they can
    afford to buy delicious foods she loves. Tamika’s
    increased perception that she is happy is best
    explained by applying which of the following

(A) relative deprivation
(B) adaptation-level
(C) Yerkes-Dodson arousal
(D) diathesis-stress
(E) attribution

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