5 Steps to a 5 AP Psychology 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Take a Diagnostic Exam ❮ 37

Calculate Your Score

Multiple-Choice Questions


Raw Score (# Right) Approximate AP Grade

75–100 5
60–74 4
44–59 3
30–43 2
0–29 1

If you have progressed beyond Chapter 13 (Developmental Psychology) in your study
of psychology and are ready to write a practice essay, try the one that follows in this book.
If you haven’t studied development yet, and you really do want to write an essay, here’s a
good alternative:

  • Go to the College Board website at http://www.collegeboard.com/student/.

  • Select “Preparing for the Exams” under Advanced Placement.

  • Select “AP Psychology” under History & Social Science.

  • You will arrive at a page that typically lets you select from over 10 years of exams. Choose
    a year for which you see Scoring Guidelines available so that you’ll be able to score your

  • Free-response question #1 for 2006 deals with research methods. This is a topic generally
    studied early in the course, so it might be an appropriate practice essay for you.

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