5 Steps to a 5 AP Psychology 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

How to Approach Each

Question Type

Summary: Knowing and applying question-answering strategies helps you suc-
ceed on tests. This chapter provides you with many test-taking tips to help
you earn a 5 on the AP Psychology exam.

Key Ideas
Multiple-Choice Questions
✪ Read the question carefully.
✪ Try to answer the question yourself before reading the answer choices.
✪ Guess, if you do not know the answer.
✪ Drawing a picture may help you.
✪ Don’t spend too much time on any one question.
Free-Response Questions
✪ Write clearly and legibly.
✪ Answer the question!
✪ Segment the question into parts that will earn a credit.
✪ Leave out complex introductions and summary paragraphs.
✪ Allot about 20 minutes for each question.

Section I: Multiple-Choice Questions

You’ve undoubtedly taken final exams before. What did you do that enabled you to succeed
on the exams where you earned your highest scores? Probably doing similar preparation for
your AP Psychology exam will pay off. If you relaxed the night before the exams, watched
TV, or spent time with friends, that may be most productive for you. I always found it




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