5 Steps to a 5 AP Macroeconomics 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Consumption, Saving, Investment, and the Multiplier ❮ 103

  1. Which of the following choices is most likely to
    create the greatest decrease in real GDP?
    (A) The government decreases spending, matched
    with a decrease in taxes.
    (B) The government increases spending with no
    increase in taxes.
    (C) The government decreases spending with no
    change in taxes.
    (D) The government holds spending constant
    while increasing taxes.
    (E) The government increases spending, matched
    with an increase in taxes.

  2. The tax multiplier increases in magnitude when

(A) the MPS increases.
(B) the spending multiplier falls.
(C) the MPC increases.
(D) government spending increases.
(E) taxes increase.

  1. Which of the following is the source of the
    supply of loanable funds?
    (A) The stock market
    (B) Investors
    (C) Net exports
    (D) Banks and mutual funds
    (E) Savers

  2. B—A $1 increase in DI increases consumption
    by a factor of the MPC and increases saving by
    a factor of the MPS. Because both MPC and
    MPS represent the fraction of new income that
    is consumed and saved, consumption and saving
    increase by less than the increase in DI.

  3. A—The slope of the consumption function is
    the MPC. The slope of the saving function is the

  4. D—An increase in GDP is the result of an
    increase in C, I, G, or (X – M). All other choices
    represent less spending in some economic sector.

  5. C—Look for choices that decrease GDP by the
    largest magnitude. Choices B and E actually

improve the economy (and GDP), so they are
eliminated. A decrease in spending lowers GDP
by a magnitude equal to the spending multiplier,
which is larger than the tax multiplier, which in
turn is larger than the balanced budget multi-
plier. This question is a prelude to fiscal policy.

  1. C—Knowing the relationship between the tax and
    spending multipliers allows you to make the right
    choice. Tm = MPC × Multiplier = MPC/MPS.

  2. E—Banks help facilitate lending to investors, but
    the real supply of those loanable funds are the
    savers who choose to place some of their dispos-
    able income dollars in those banks as saving.

❯ Answers and Explanations

❯ Rapid Review

Disposable income (DI): The income a consumer has left over to spend or save once he
or she has paid out net taxes. DI = Y – T.
Consumption function: A linear relationship showing how increases in disposable income
cause increases in consumption.
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