5 Steps to a 5 AP Macroeconomics 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

148 ❯ Step 4. Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High

How does this work?
If the original price of the bond is $100, promising to pay $10 in interest, the interest rate
is 10 percent. If the price falls to $90, the same $10 of interest now yields $10/$90 = 11.1
percent. Higher interest rates on bonds increase the opportunity cost of holding cash, and
so the quantity of money demanded falls until the interest rate rises to the point where
MD = $500. This adjustment is seen in Figure 11.4.



Rate, i %





of Money

Figure 11.4


•   Increasing the money supply lowers interest rates as surplus money moves into the
bond market, increasing bond prices.
• Decreasing the money supply increases interest rates as a shortage of money creates a
sell-off of bonds, decreasing bond prices.

11.2 Fractional Reserve Banking and Money Creation

Main Topics: Fractional Reserve Banking, Money Creation, The Money Multiplier
If you asked 10 bank tellers in your hometown, “Do you create money here?” I’m guessing
that 9 or 10 of them would reply, “No way.” They’re wrong. The fractional reserve system
of banking, plus the bank’s profit motive, creates money and opens the door for the Fed to
promote or inhibit such money creation.

Fractional Reserve Banking
Fractional reserve banking is a system in which only a fraction of the total money supply
is held in reserve as currency. The short story that follows illustrates how fractional reserve
banking might have evolved.
Eli’s Community Bank (ECB) opens its doors and is now accepting deposits from
citizens who want a safe place to put their money. Eli promises to always keep 100 percent
of their money on hand so that if a person needs to buy groceries, he or she can simply
withdraw some money and take it to the store.
One day, a citizen comes up to the bank asking to borrow some money to start a lemon-
ade stand, but Eli has to turn her down because if any of his customers comes to withdraw
money for groceries and finds that it was not in the vault, they would be extremely irritated.
After a month or so, Eli observes that on any given day, there are very few withdrawals and
most of the time the deposited money just sits there in the vault, doing nothing.

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