5 Steps to a 5 AP Macroeconomics 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

196 ❯ Step 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence

Scoring and Interpretation

AP Macroeconomics Practice Exam

Multiple-Choice Questions:

Number of correct answers: _____
Number of incorrect answers: _____
Number of blank answers:  _____
Did you complete this part of the test in the allotted time? Yes/No
Free-Response Questions:

  1. ____/11

  2. ____/6

  3. ____/6
    Did you complete this part of the test in the allotted time? Yes/No

Calculate Your Score:

Multiple-Choice Questions:

_______________ = _______________
(# right) MC raw score

Free-Response Questions:

Free-response raw score = (1.3636 × Score #1) + (1.25 × Score #2) +
(1.25 × Score #3) = _____
Add the raw scores from the multiple-choice and free-response sections to obtain your total
raw score for the practice exam. Use the table that follows to determine your grade, remem-
bering these are rough estimates using questions that are not actually from AP exams, so do
not read too much into this conversion from raw score to AP score.

71–90 5
53–70 4
43–52 3
31– 42 2
0–30 1
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