5 Steps to a 5 AP Macroeconomics 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
AP Macroeconomics Practice Exam 2 ❮ 203

  1. In a private closed economy, which of the
    following statements is true?
    (A) Household saving can never be negative.
    (B) Investment is always greater than savings.
    (C) The economy is in equilibrium when con-
    sumption equals saving.
    (D) Saving is equal to zero when consumption
    equals disposable income.
    (E) Government is the only source of spending
    and investment.

  2. Which of the following is true of a typical con-
    traction of the business cycle?
    (A) Consumption is falling, but household
    wealth is rising.
    (B) Consumption is increasing.
    (C) Private investment is rising.
    (D) Employment and inflation are low.
    (E) Private saving rates are rising.

  3. Which of the following is most likely to pro-
    duce stronger economic growth over time?
    (A) More rapid consumption of natural resources.
    (B) Higher adult illiteracy rates.
    (C) A falling stock of capital goods.
    (D) Investment tax credits.
    (E) Higher taxes on foreign capital investment.

  4. If $100 of new autonomous private investment
    were added to an economy with a marginal pro-
    pensity to consume of 0.90, by how much would
    aggregate demand shift to the right?
    (A) $190
    (B) $900
    (C) $1,000
    (D) $1,900
    (E) $90
    31. Which of the following is true about the rela-
    tionship between the M1 and M2 measures of
    (A) M 1 minus M 2 equals 0.
    (B) M1 includes checking deposits, while M 2
    includes checking and saving deposits.
    (C) M2 includes coin and paper money, but
    M1 does not.
    (D) M2 is more liquid than M1.
    (E) M1 is greater than M2.
    32. Which of the following increases the size of the
    tax multiplier?
    (A) An increase in the marginal propensity to
    (B) An increase in the reserve ratio.
    (C) An increase in the marginal propensity to
    (D) A decrease in the spending multiplier.
    (E) A decrease in the velocity of money.
    33. Which of the following might worsen a nation’s
    trade deficit?
    (A) Lower wages relative to other nations.
    (B) Lower taxes on corporate profits relative to
    other nations.
    (C) A higher interest rate on financial assets
    relative to other nations.
    (D) A higher rate of inflation relative to other
    (E) Other nations remove tariffs and quotas on
    foreign imports.
    34. If the economy is suffering from extremely high
    rates of inflation, which of the following fiscal
    policies would be an appropriate strategy for the
    (A) Increase government spending and decrease
    (B) Decrease government spending and increase
    (C) Increase government spending with no
    change in taxes.
    (D) The Federal Reserve increases the discount
    (E) Decrease taxes with no change in govern-
    ment spending.

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