5 Steps to a 5 AP Macroeconomics 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
AP Macroeconomics Practice Exam 2 ❮ 205

  1. If the economy were experiencing a recessionary
    gap, choose the option below that would be an
    appropriate fiscal policy to eliminate the gap,
    and the predicted impact of the policy on real
    GDP and unemployment.


(A) Increase taxes. Increase Decrease
(B) Decrease Decrease Increase
(C) Decrease taxes. Increase Increase
(D) Increase Increase Decrease
money supply.
(E) Decrease taxes. Increase Decrease

  1. Monetary tools of the Federal Reserve do not
    include which of the following choices?
    (A) Buying Treasury securities from commer-
    cial banks
    (B) Changing tariffs and quotas on imported
    (C) Changing the reserve ratio
    (D) Changing the discount rate
    (E) Selling Treasury securities to commercial

  2. Of the following choices, which combination
    of fiscal and monetary policy would most likely
    reduce a recessionary gap?


(A) Increase taxes. Increase the reserve ratio.
(B) Decrease spending. Sell Treasury securities.
(C) Decrease taxes. Buy Treasury securities.
(D) Increase spending. Increase the reserve ratio.
(E) Decrease taxes. Increase the discount rate.

  1. For a given level of government spending,
    the federal government usually experiences a
    budgetduring economicand a budget
    __during economic___.
    (A) deficit, recession, surplus, expansion
    (B) surplus, recession, deficit, expansion
    (C) deficit, expansion, surplus, recession
    (D) surplus, recession, surplus, expansion
    (E) deficit, recession, deficit, expansion
    47. Suppose that elected officials and the central
    bank agree to combine fiscal and monetary poli-
    cies to lessen the threat of inflation. Which of
    the following combinations would likely accom-
    plish this goal?

(A) Decrease taxes Increase the reserve ratio
(B) Decrease spending Buy government securities
(C) Decrease taxes Sell government securities
(D) Decrease spending Decrease the reserve ratio
(E) Increase taxes Increase the discount rate

  1. Congress has embarked on another round of
    expansionary fiscal policy to boost employment
    and get reelected. As chair of the central bank,
    how would you reduce the “crowding-out”
    effect and what macroeconomic problem might
    your policy exacerbate?
    (A) Increase the reserve ratio, risking the devalu-
    ation of the dollar
    (B) Sell government securities, risking inflation
    (C) Buy government securities, risking a reces-
    sionary gap
    (D) Lower the discount rate, risking inflation
    (E) Lower the discount rate, risking cyclical

  2. Which of the following is likely to shift the
    long-run aggregate supply curve to the right?
    (A) A nation that devotes more resources to
    nondurable consumption goods, rather
    than durable capital goods
    (B) Research that improves the productivity of
    labor and capital
    (C) More restrictive trade policies
    (D) Annual limits to immigration of foreign
    (E) A permanent increase in the price of energy

  3. Holding all else equal, which of the following
    monetary policies would be used to boost U.S.
    (A) Increasing the discount rate
    (B) Increasing the reserve ratio
    (C) Buying government securities
    (D) Lowering tariffs
    (E) Removing import quotas

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