5 Steps to a 5 AP Macroeconomics 2019

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
How to Plan Your Time ❮ 15

Plan B: You Have One Semester to Prepare
If you have already completed one semester of economic studies, the following plan will help
you use those skills you’ve been practicing to prepare for the May exam.

Carefully read Chapters 1 to 4 of this book.
Take the diagnostic exam.
Pay close attention to your walk-through of
the diagnostic exam.
Read and study Chapter 5, “Fundamentals of
Economic Analysis.”
Read and study Chapter 6, “Demand, Supply,
Market Equilibrium, and Welfare Analysis.”
Read and study Chapter 7, “Macroeconomic
Measures of Performance.”

MARCH (10 weeks to go)
Read and study Chapter 8, “Consumption,
Saving, Investment, and the Multiplier.”
Read and study Chapter 9, “Aggregate
Demand and Aggregate Supply.”
Read and study Chapter 10, “Fiscal Policy.”
Review Chapters 5 to 10.

_____ Read and study Chapter 11, “Money, Bank-
ing, and Monetary Policy.”
_____ Read and study Chapter 12, “International
_____ Take Practice Exam 1 in the last week of April.
_____ Evaluate your Macro strengths and weaknesses.
_____ Study appropriate chapters to correct your
Macro weaknesses.
_____ Review Chapters 5 to 12.
MAY (first two weeks) (THIS IS IT!)
_____ Review Chapters 5 to 12—all the material!
_____ Take Practice Exam 2.
_____ Score yourself.
_____ Get a good night’s sleep before the exam. Fall
asleep knowing that you are well prepared.
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