Barrons AP Environmental Science

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Figure  6.6 Distribution    of  the last    billion people  on  Earth   Fertility   Rates

Replacement level fertility (RLF) is the level of fertility at which a couple has
only enough children to replace themselves, or about 2 children per couple. It
takes a RLF of 2.1 to replace each generation since some children will die before
they grow up to have their own two children. RLF rates are lower in moderately
developed countries (MDC) and higher in developing countries due to higher
infant mortality rates. Infant mortality rates are good indicators of comparative
standards of living. The total fertility rate (TFR) is the average number of
children that each woman will have during her lifetime. The country of Niger in
Africa leads the world’s TFR at 7.68.

Worldwide   Total   Fertility   Rate

Country TFR




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