Math Word Problems Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. 7þ 4 x¼ 31

  2. 2x 5 ¼ 15
    3.^12 xþ 8 ¼ 19

  3. 2xþ1.20¼1.80

  4. xþ 2 x¼ 30

Finally, it is necessary to be able to write an equation for two related
unknowns using one variable.

EXAMPLE:Write an equation for this problem: ‘‘One number is 10 more
than another number and their sum is 16.’’

SOLUTION:Letx¼the smaller number andxþ 10 ¼the larger number.
The equation isxþxþ 10 ¼16.

EXAMPLE:Write an equation for this problem: ‘‘One number is five times
as large as another number. If three times the smaller number is subtracted
from the larger number, the answer is 20.’’

SOLUTION:Letx¼the smaller number and 5x¼the larger number. The
equation is 5x 3 x¼20.

Try These

Write an equation for each:

  1. The smaller number is^12 of the larger number. Find the numbers if
    their sum is 36.

  2. A certain number exceeds another number by 6. If their sum is 56, find
    the numbers.

  3. One number is 8 more than twice another number. Find the numbers if
    their sum is 50.

  4. What number increased by^14 of itself is equal to 5?

  5. Two times a number is 6 more than^12 the number. Find the numbers.

86 LESSON 8 Algebraic Representation

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