Math Word Problems Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Now five times the first number is 5xand 3 times the second number is
3(16x). The equation is 5x¼3(16x).

IMPLEMENTATION: Solve the equation.

5 x¼ 3 ð 16 xÞ

5 x¼ 48  3 x

5 xþ 3 x¼ 48  3 xþ 3 x

8 x¼ 48

81 x




x¼ 6

16 x¼ 16  6 ¼ 10

Hence the first number is 6 and the second number is 10.

EVALUATION: Check the answer: 6þ 10 ¼16 and 5 6 ¼ 3 10 or 30¼ 30

Some number problems useconsecutive integers. Numbers such as 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, etc., are called consecutive integers. They differ by one. Consecutive
integers can be represented as:

Letx¼the first integer
xþ 1 ¼the second integer
xþ 2 ¼the third integer, etc.

Consecutive odd integersare numbers such as 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, etc. They
differ by two. They can be represented as:

Letx¼the first odd integer
xþ 2 ¼the second consecutive integer
xþ 4 ¼the third consecutive odd integer, etc.
Consecutive even integersare numbers such as 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, etc. They
also differ by two. They can be represented as:

Letx¼the first even integer
xþ 2 ¼the second consecutive even integer
xþ 4 ¼the third consecutive even integer, etc.

LESSON 9 Solving Number Problems 91

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