Math Word Problems Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Letx¼the distance from the fulcrum where Tina should sit.
    W 1 L 1 þW 2 L 2 ¼w 1 l 1 þw 2 l 2

72 ð 12 Þþ 90 ð 8 Þ¼ 96 xþ 80 ð 12 Þ

864 þ 720 ¼ 96 xþ 960

1584 ¼ 96 xþ 960

1584  960 ¼ 96 xþ 960  960

624 ¼ 96 x



961 x

6 : 5 ¼x

Tina should sit 6.5 feet from the fulcrum.

180 LESSON 16 Solving Lever Problems

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