Math Word Problems Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1





An equation such as 2x^2 þ 3 x 5 ¼0 is called aquadratic equation or a
second-degree equation. There is one variable (usuallyx) and a second-degree
term (usuallyx^2 ). There are several ways to solve quadratic equations. The
method shown here will usefactoring.If you cannot factor trinomials, you will
need to consult an algebra book to learn this skill.
A quadratic equation can be written in standard form when thex^2 term is
first, thexterm is second, and the constant term is third. Also, zero is on the
right side of the equation. For example, the quadratic equation 2xþx^2 ¼ 8
can be written in standard form asx^2 þ 2 x 8 ¼0. In order to solve a
quadratic equation by factoring, you should follow these steps:
Step 1: Write the equation in standard form.
Step 2: Factor the left member of the equation.
Step 3: Set both factors equal to zero.
Step 4: Solve each equation.


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