Math Word Problems Demystified - A Self Teaching Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
IMPLEMENTATION: Solve the equation:

2 ð 4 xÞþð 2 xÞ¼ 80

8 xþ 2 x¼ 80

10 x¼ 80

101 x




x¼ 8

4 x¼ 4  8 ¼ 32

Hence the length is 32 inches and the width is 8 inches.

EVALUATION: Use the formula for perimeter and see if it is 80 inches.

P¼ 2 lþ 2 w

P¼ 2 ð 32 Þþ 2 ð 8 Þ

¼ 64 þ 16

¼80 inches

EXAMPLE:The base of a triangle is 6 inches larger than its height. If the
area of the triangle is 8 square inches, find the base and height of the triangle.

Geometric principle: The area of a triangle isA¼^12 bh:


GOAL: You are being asked to find the measures of the base and the height.

STRATEGY: Letx¼the measure of the height

andxþ 6 ¼the measure of the base

LESSON 20 Word Problems in Geometry 243

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