Cyans Annual Report 2019

(marinoscy71) #1

Tables below shows more details regarding cost, traffic and the unit rate.

Table 1 - Total Costs and Unit Costs

Determined costs -
Performance Plan RP2 Actual costs -^ RP2^
Cost details 2018 2019 2018 2019

  1. Detail by nature (in nominal terms)
    1.1 Staff 15.896 16.373 15.354 16.165
    1.2 Other operating costs (1) 14.984 15.583 12.970 11.420
    1.3 Depreciation 5.269 5.348 2.804 2.656
    1.4 Cost of capital 5.083 5.144 2.989 2.636
    1.5 Exceptional items
    1.6 Total costs 41.232 42.449 34.117 32.876
    Total % n/n- 1 2,9% 2,9% 9,1% - 3,6%
    Staff % n/n- 1 3,0% 3,0% 3,7% 5,3%
    Other op. % n/n- 1 4,0% 4,0% 23,2% - 11,9%

  2. Detail by service (in nominal terms)
    2.1 Air Traffic Management 30.273 31.166 24.978 23.882
    2.2 Communication (2) 2.692 2.772 2.202 2.143
    2.3 Navigation (2) 4.457 4.588 3.644 3.547
    2.4 Surveillance (2) 2.135 2.198 1.746 1.700
    2.5 Search and rescue 0
    2.6 Aeronautical Information (2) 1.675 1.724 1.546 1.604
    2.7 Meteorological services (2) 0 0 0 0
    2.8 Supervision costs 0 0 0 0
    2.9 Other State costs (1) 0 0 0 0
    2.10 Total costs 41.232 42.449 34.117 32.876
    Total % n/n- 1 2,9% 2,9% 9,1% - 3,6%
    ATM % n/n- 1 2,9% 2,9% 8,8% - 4,4%
    CNS % n/n- 1 2,9% 2,9% 12,2% - 2,7%

  3. Complementary information (in nominal terms) (^)
    Average asset base
    3.1 Net book val. fixed assets 25.239 25.984 9. 960 7.949
    3.2 Adjustments total assets 0 0 0 0
    3.3 Net current assets 14.698 15.132 13.522 13.117
    3.4 Total asset base 39.937 41.115 23.482 21.066
    Cost of capital %
    3.5 Cost of capital pre tax rate 12,7% 12,5% 12,7% 12,5%
    3.6 Return on equity 12,7% 12,5% 12,7% 12,5%
    3.7 Average interest on debts
    Cost of common projects
    3.8 Total costs of common projects (^0 0 0 0)
    Costs exempted from cost sharing (Article 14(2)(b))
    3.9 Total costs exempted from cost sharing 0 0

  4. Total costs after deduction of costs for services to exempted flights (in nominal terms)
    4.1 Costs for exempted VFR flights 0 0 0 0
    4.2 Total determined/actual costs 41.232 42.449 34.117 32.876

  5. Cost-efficiency KPI - Determined/Actual Unit Cost (in real terms)
    5.1 Inflation % (3) 1,80% 2,00% 0,80% 0,50%
    5.2 Price index (base 100 in 2009) (4) 118,9 121,3 108,2 108,7
    5.3 Total costs real terms (5) 34.683 35.006 31.545 30.247
    Total % n/n- 1 1,1% 0,9% 8,2% - 4,1%
    5.4 Total Service Units 1.489,2 1.522,0 1.897,5 2.068,2
    Total % n/n- 1 2,2% 2,2% 9,8% 9,0%
    5.5 Unit cost at 2009 prices 23,29 23,00 16,62 14,62
    Total % n/n- 1 - 1,1% - 1,2% - 1,5% - 12,0%

Costs and asset base items in '000 - Service units in '000 (^)

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