Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

live on dry land: where would it get lungs from? Furthermore,
it has no idea of what a lung even is!

  1. Fish do not have a kidney system like ours, but they
    would need one to live on land. If it decided to move onto dry
    land, it is very clear that a fish would not be able to find kid-
    neys for itself anywhere.

  2. Fish do not have feet, which is why they could not walk
    when they reached the shore. Just how did the first fish that de-
    cided to emerge onto dry land find feet for itself? As this is im-
    possible, it is obvious that evolutionists are wrong about this as
    These are just three of the hundreds of things that fish must
    have had in order to survive on land.

AAbboouutt tthhee FFiisshh CCaalllleedd tthhee CCooeellaaccaanntthh
For years, evolutionists used to describe a fish called
"the coelacanth" as a transitional form that almost made it
ashore. In all their books and magazines they portrayed this

Evolutionists claim that the coele-
canth is a fish that started to change
into a reptile. Later, a living coela-
canth was discovered and the evolu-
tionists' ruse was uncovered. The co-
elecanth is a real fish.
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