Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

"So does that mean you don't get hot?" he asked.
"That's right," agreed the glow-worm. "We pro-
duce energy ourselves and we use this energy very care-
fully. That means that none of our energy is wasted and it
doesn't produce heat which would damage our bodies."
Kamal considered for a moment, "That's a really well thought
out system."
"Yes, it is," agreed his friend. "When Allah created us He
planned everything we need in the best possi-
ble way. When we're flying we beat our
wings very quickly. Of course, that's a
job which needs a lot of energy. But
because our light doesn't use up much
of our energy we have no problem
with it."
Kamal had something else he
wanted to ask, "What do you use the
light you give off for?"
His friend ex-
plained: "We use it
both to pass mes-
sages amongst
ourselves and to
defend our-
selves. When we
want to say something
to one another we
talk by flickering our

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