Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

My name's Ahmad and I'm taking a walk."
The frog smiled: "Pleased to meet you, Ahmad. It's quite normal
that you didn't notice me. I live among these bushes and my color
matches the leaves. That way my enemies can't spot me any more
than you could. I can hide from them very easily."
Ahmad thought for a moment: "Yes, but what if they do see you?
Then what do you do?"
"If you look carefully," said the frog, holding up a foot, "You'll see
there are webs between my toes. When I'm jumping I open my toes
out and that way I can glide in the air. Sometimes I can fly as much
as 40 feet (12 meters) in a single bound."
"What about when you want to land?" wondered Ahmad.
"I use my legs when I fly. I use the webs on my feet like a para-
chute to slow myself down when I land," the frog explained.
"That's very interesting," mused Ahmad. "It never occurred to me
before that frogs can fly."
The frog grinned: "Some species of frog can fly as far as they can
swim. This is a blessing our Lord gave us. Allah created our colors to
camouflage us in the surroundings we live in. That allows us to sur-
vive. If Allah hadn't created us like this, we'd soon have been killed

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