Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

off by other animals."
Ahmad saw the point: "The webs between your toes are necessary
for you to be able to jump long distances. I don't have webs on my
feet because I don't need them. The needs of every living creature are
different, aren't they?"
"Yes, you're right, you put it very well."
Ahmad answered: "Allah created us in the best way to make our
lives easier. We should be very grateful to Him for that."
"Right again, Ahmad," agreed his friend. "Our Lord
created all living things according to the environment
they live in. He gave us everything we need
when we were born."
"Yes," said Ahmad. "Now, little frog, I
have to go, otherwise my father will be
wondering what's happened to me. It
was great talking to you. If I come
here another time, I'll visit you again."
"I shall look forward to that. Nice to
have met you. Goodbye, Ahmad..."
croaked the frog as it hopped back into
the bushes and disappeared from

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