Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Every living thing on the face of the earth is in need of Him."
Farhan thought of the films he had seen about horses, "If I get on
your back, you can carry me for miles, can't you?"
"Yes. No other animal has been as much help to human beings
as we have. Nowadays, of course, there are streets and roads and
moving vehicles on them. The truth is though that it is only in the past
century that cars and other forms of transport have begun to serve
people. When your great great grandfather was born, people did-
n't know there would be any such thing as a car. In those days, car-
rying people was the job of ani-
mals, especially we horses."
Farhan had a closer look at his
new friend: "With those long
legs, I'm not surprised you can
travel long distances. Can you
run fast as well?"
The horse gently raised a
front leg: "Allah created my
legs not just so that I could

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