Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The mother kangaroo went on to explain: "The milk that feeds a
newborn baby is warmer than the other kinds. The nourishment it
contains is different, too. How do you think we mother kangaroos
heat the milk in our teats? Don't forget, dear Antar, that it really isn't
the mother kangaroos who do all this. We don't even know about
the differences in the milk in our teats. It isn't possible for us to
calculate the temperature of the milk. Neither do we know that
each type of milk has different characteristics, nor what food
it contains. We just live the way Allah inspires us to. Allah,
Who created us, thought out the needs of our babies. Our
Lord, with His infinite compassion and mercy, gave our ba-
bies milk of the most suitable kind and placed them in the
best place for them, in the pouches of their mothers."

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