Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


li was eating and watching a cartoon on television at the
same time. In the cartoon, there was a huge ostrich running
away from a dog. The ostrich was running so fast that it escaped
and went back to its friends in the nest. Ali had al-
ways assumed that ostriches were birds which
just buried their heads in the sand. He didn't
know they were such good runners, too.
"You mean you didn't know we could run fast?"
asked a voice.
Ali looked around startled, before
realizing that the voice
was coming from

the television. He went up to it and
began to talk to the ostrich on the
"You're a bird," he began.
"Of course it surprises me that
you can run so quickly. And
with such a huge body, too."
"You're right," puffed the os-
trich, which was still a little bit out of
breath. "We're the biggest birds
in the world. We're taller
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