Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

themselves, in other words hide themselves, because their white
fur and the snowfields around them are the same color. But they
go even further and even think of covering their black noses,
which are the only obstacle to their being camouflaged since they
are the only thing that stands out against the whiteness of the
snow. Of course, as you can guess, it isn't possible for polar
bears to think about what needs to be done after they come back
from hunting with no food a few times and realize that they need
to cover their noses! Bears only behave as Allah inspires them to
behave. Allah designed them in this way. In the end they, like
other living things, are all under Allah's control."
Mansoor decided to tell his mother what he had learned about
polar bears on the way home and to explain the creative art of
Allah visible in them. He
thanked his friend for that
fascinating conversation,
and went back to
his mother.

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