Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

only just learned to swim but you fish
can swim as soon as you're born.
How do you manage that?"
"To tell you the truth," said the fish,
"we fish do not need to move much to
be able to swim; just swishing our tails from
side to side is enough. We live comfortably in the water because
of our flexible backbones and the various systems inside our bod-
"You must have a great time swimming around in the water,"
mused Omar.
"Very true," his new friend agreed. "But remember, our bodies
have been specially created to let us do that. Just think, do you find
it easier to walk in water or on dry land? We fish have been cre-
ated with special muscles and backbones to be able to live and
swim in water. Our backbone keeps us straight and also connects
our fins and our muscles. Were it not for that it would be impossi-
ble for us to live in water. You see, little friend, like every other liv-
ing thing, Allah has created us fish faultlessly and has given us the
best possible characteristics for the environment we live in."
"You don't just stop at swimming left and
right, sometimes you go down into the depths
of the water. How do you do that?" asked
"We do that thanks to a different bodily

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