Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

accidentally or step by step over a period of time. All the elements
in these systems must have come into being at the same time, oth-
erwise the system would not work."
Omar looked more closely at the fish, noticed it had no eyelids
and asked in surprise:
"You don't have any eyelids. How do you protect your eyes?"
"You're right," answered his friend. "We fish don't have eyelids
like people do. We see the world through a delicate membrane
over our eyes. You can compare this membrane to a diver's gog-
gles. Because we mostly need to see objects which are very near
us, our eyes have been created for
this purpose. When we need
to see into the distance, the
whole lens system is
moved back by a spe-
cial muscle mechanism
inside the eye. Even
the little eyes of us
fish have a complex
structure. There is no
doubt that this is an-
other of the many
proofs of Allah's
supreme creation."
Omar remembered a
TV documentary he had
watched the day before. He

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