Stories for Thinking Children-2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

layer did not exist, water would get into our bodies, the pressure
balance would be destroyed and we would die right away."
Omar was again impressed, "What important characteristics
the skin of a fish—which nobody ever thinks about—has!"
"You're right," agreed the fish. "Omar, as you can see, it is
Allah, Who created everything, Who gives fish all their character-
istics. Allah is aware of the needs of all living things."
Omar heard his father's voice from the stern of the boat:
"Come on, Omar, time to go home!"
Omar stopped for a moment to say goodbye to his little friend:
"Thank you for the information you have given. Every time I see a
fish I'll remember Allah's supreme creation once again and thank
our Lord for all the blessings He has given us."

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